Northcrest Swim Club is a private neighborhood pool tucked away in the Upper Avenues of Salt Lake City. Members enjoy a peaceful, uncrowded oasis with views of the foothills. Our schedule includes open swim, lap swimming, yoga, team sports, lessons, and other activities. We are an inclusive community of families, couples, and individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and affiliations. We host special events throughout the season including a party to benefit our swim teams.
Non-members can participate in the swim team and lessons. There are free drop-in days where non-members may investigate our foothill swimming hole. There is currently a waiting list for new memberships that can be joined here.
Who can join the pool?
Current boundaries are 20 mile radius. Membership purchase and dues are here. Please contact our Membership Liaison for more information.
What are the pool rules?
The rules are for everyone’s safety and enjoyment. Click here for the list.
Who do I contact if I have a problem at the pool?
If you have any questions or any issues arise that cannot be addressed by the lifeguard on duty, please feel free to contact the Pool Manager or the Pool Board President.
How do I pay my annual dues?
Membership management, including due payments, takes place here. Membership approval is required before you can use the system.
Can I have guests at the pool?
Yes! Guest fees are $5 per person per day. Members must be with their guests at all times and are responsible for ensuring that their guests observe all pool rules. Any abuse of the guest rules can result in suspension of the membership.
Can minors take guests?
Any named member may take a guest to the pool. Your children’s guests are expected to comply with all pool rules.
How many guests can I have at one time?
More than 12 requires preauthorization with the pool manager.
Can I schedule a private party?
Yes. More information is available here.
Can I have a party at the pool during open swim hours?
Yes, provided you observe the following rules:
1. All guests must pay a guest fee.
2. All non-swimmers MUST be accompanied by an adult. Please no more than a 3:1 adult to non-swimmer ratio. Please ensure that non-swimmers stay in the shallow part of the pool. Lifeguards do not take the place of a responsible adult.
3. Members are encouraged to contact the pool manager in advance of any party with more than 12 people so that sufficient lifeguards are on duty.
4. The awning area is for use by all pool members, so please be respectful of other guests as you use that area. These areas are not to be reserved in advance.
5. All guests must observe all pool rules.
What privileges are included with a membership?
Pool members are entitled to use the pool at all scheduled times. Of course, there are restrictions, as described above. Members have a lower rate for swim team and can rent the pool for parties. Members also run the pool.
Who manages the pool? How is it organized?
Northcrest Swim Club is a nonprofit club run by its members according to Bylaws. The entire membership meets twice per year. At the Fall membership meeting, new Board Members are elected. At the Spring membership meeting, priorities and issues are discussed. Board Members are volunteers, not paid staff, and the pool is a shared resource, not a service you buy from a corporation. The Board hires and oversees the Pool Manager, who is responsible for day-to-day operations, and the Financial Manager, who takes care of accounting, contracts, insurance, and other areas. The Board also oversees the Swim Team Committee, the group in charge of team and lessons. Each Board Member takes charge of different areas of operation: facility, finance, membership, swim team, and planning.
Who can I talk to about problems?
The Contact page is the way to get in touch with a Board Member responsible for the area of concern. When in doubt, email the President. For issues with guards or something that happened at the pool, the Pool Manager is probably your best contact. Keep in mind, Board Members are members just like everyone else and they’re volunteering a lot of time so the pool works for everyone.
If a guard isn’t responsive, can a member take charge?
Only in emergency situations as a Good Samaritan would do anywhere. Otherwise, please contact the Pool Manager or Board. Please do not enter restricted areas without authorization. Do not undermine or challenge the authority of the guard. The Bylaws allow the Board to suspend or expel members for violation of rules or improper usage of the facility.
How can I get involved?
Soooo many ways! If you’ve got a kid on the swim team, the Swim Team committee is the place to start. If you want to champion a cause, or be on the Board, contact the President. Members are always invited to come to normal Board meetings to see what’s up.
How do I get my voice heard? Where are decisions made?
Start with emailing a Board member. Tell them about your issue. They’ll get it on the agenda for a regular Board Meeting. There are also Spring and Fall member meetings where the entire membership gets together to elect the Board and vote on high priority issues. They are posted on the schedule.
Can I sell my membership? How?
Memberships are sold directly seller to buyer subject to a $500 transfer fee. Contact Membership Liaison for names on the wait-list. The transfer is not complete until the transfer fee is paid and the new membership registered. Any unpaid fees also transfer with the membership. For example, if the membership hasn’t paid dues for a couple of years, the new owner will have to pay the due liability in order to use the pool.
Can I find my own buyer for my membership? Can I include the membership in my home sale? Can I transfer my membership to a family member?
Yes, subject to the transfer fee.
What happens if I don’t pay my annual dues?
As a member-owned facility, we rely on the annual dues to maintain and manage the pool. All dues must be current in order to use the pool facilities. Any membership in arrears for 3 consecutive years will return to the pool at the end of the 3rd summer and the membership will terminate without return of any money. You can coordinate with the Member Liaison to bring your membership current. You may NOT use the facility until your membership dues are current.